034 5 Tips To Improving Your On-the-Go Recordings

While I believe that having a quality microphone when you’re podcasting is important, that doesn’t always mean you have to be in an office or studio environment. In this blog, I want to run you through some things that would improve your recordings on the phone as well as in an on-the-go setting, and still make sure that you have great quality!

Here are my five tips to improving your on-the-go recordings:

1. Use the voice recording app Twisted Wave . It is an easy to use, fast and powerful audio editor, available for Mac, iPhone / iPad and online. This is suitable for recording audio only. Simply, download the software on your phone, press record and then upload it or export it via an email. It’s that simple.

2. Choose a high quality clip-on microphone. I would personally recommend the iRig Mic Lav which gives you the power to record great sounding audio anytime and anywhere. It comes in a little pouch, ready to go wherever with a phone cover on it for extra protection. Make sure you clip it fairly high towards your neck, with no clothing or hair touching the microphone. You also want to make sure that if you use your hands to speak a lot, you’re not going to be moving your hands and gesturing so that your clothing then hits that microphone. You can actually buy multiple as they will click into each other. If you’ve got a person you want to interview when you’re out at a conference, simply just clip their microphone into your microphone, clip into your phone and you’re good to go. Recording in one place and it’s almost seamless.

3. Try Riverside. It really champions having high quality audio first and foremost, and it has some pretty clever facilities for the video aspect as well. As Riverside is browser-based, guests join with one simple click on a link. The best way to record a podcast is by using a recording tool that records locally, making the quality immune of bad internet connection. You also want to make sure that recorded audio and video is uncompressed for the highest possible quality. Riverside does exactly this. 

4. Use a handheld recorder. Maybe you’re at a conference or you’re wanting to podcast long term but you don’t always want to be reliant on your desktop/computer. Sometimes you might find that your devices overheat which can happen. I would recommend the Zoom H4n Pro 4-Track Portable Recorder, a sophisticated kit for podcasting. You can simply hold it in your hand as it has the microphone built in so you might not need anything else, or it has the option to plug in up to four XLR microphones.

5. Invest in a tripod stand. When I record on my phone, if I can, I would also have tripod stand with me. Whether I’m in the car or anywhere else, I can find a platform that’s going to work so I can then have the phone on the stand. I am then able to plug the microphone underneath, ensuring I have a long enough cable. This would therefore fit my whole image in the video.

The most important thing is audio quality first. A podcast is a really powerful vehicle to bring and attract and retain your audience, you don’t want them switching off due to poor audio quality.

Are you ready to start your own podcast?

If you are looking to launch your own podcast, checkout our Podcast Kickstart course. It will teach you how to prepare, record, edit and promote your podcast so you can transform your business, your life and the lives of others. In the course, you’ll learn the exact process I use to help my clients produce and launch top-ranking podcasts, so you can elevate your status, maximise your network and position yourself as the go-to expert in your field.

For more information on our essential and popular Podcast Kickstart course click here.